
Small actions, big impact

According to a recent study, our overall performance has been rated in the following way:


• 15% of the appreciation is linked to our IQ (knowledge, expertise)

• 85% of the appreciation is linked to our EQ (behaviour, emotional intelligence)


Thanks to the iLead tool, we are able to effectively act on emotional intelligence development to maximize its impact and everyone’s leadership without trying to change individuals.

The idea is to find the small gestures that will have the biggest impact on their perceived performance.


On the same wavelength

Since there are no two coaching situations that are the same, we will also propose a highly personalized approach in order to reach the objectives of the organization as well as the trainee.

The goal of the first session is to align the intentions of the coach, the person being coached, and the individual who requested this coaching (often the coachee’s superior). The coaching sessions never exceed two hours.

Where is the problem?

The same way a computer specialist uses a professional tool to troubleshoot issues on your computer, iLead will help us diagnose what is working as well and what needs attention. It will allow us to validate many hypotheses and of course implement targeted and required actions.

Here are a few examples of questions iLead could answer:

• Quelles sont vos zones de vigilance ?

Coaching : What are your alertness zones?

• What are your alertness zones?

• Quel est votre mode d’interaction favori avec les autres ?

• Quel est votre mode de fonctionnement primaire ?

Secondaire ?

Coaching : What are your primary and secondary modes of functioning?

• What are your primary and secondary modes of functioning?

Coaching : What is your favourite interaction mode with others?

• What is your favourite interaction mode with others?

• Comment faire pour mettre en place vos boucles de succès le plus souvent possible ?

Coaching : How can we put in place spirals of success?

• How can we put in place spirals of success?

• Comment faire pour éviter de mettre en route vos boucles de déraillement ?

• Quelle est votre façon de créer de la valeur ajoutée ?

Coaching : How do you create added value?

• How do you create added value?

Coaching : How can we help you avoid getting off track?

• How can we help you avoid getting off track?

• Quelle est votre capacité d’adaptation ?

Coaching : What is your adaptation capacity?

• What is your adaptation capacity?

Et bien d'autres questions...

• Quel est votre mode de fonctionnement sous stress ? Quel impact sur la performance et les relations interpersonnelles ?

Coaching : How do you operate under stress? What is the impact on your performance and your interpersonal relations?

• How do you operate under stress? What is the impact on your performance and your interpersonal relations?

Coaching : And many more questions…

And many more questions…

Types of coaching

There are as many different types of coaching as there are individuals and we adapt to each case. Here are a few examples:

Individual Coaching
Collective Coaching
RH Coaching

Individual Coaching

Collective Coaching



Coaching to accelerate high potential

Coaching to create a business vision

Coaching for behavioural change (when there are attitude issues)

Coaching to help reorient a career

Coaching to align  vision, objectives, tactics (President vs Vice President)

Coaching for team building

Coaching to identify  what is missing in an organization

Coaching to resolve conflicts

Coaching to profile a position

Coaching to help recruit a top management position

Coaching to prepare taking over a new position


Level of satisfaction - Aldo Group

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Effisens Conseil Inc

Training - Coaching - Consulting

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At Effisens Conseil Inc, we see our training, business coaching and consulting as a customized journey we craft for you.

We invite you to learn about our history through the experiences of our clients.

Effisens Conseil Inc

According to a recent study, our overall performance has been rated in the following way:

• 15%

of the appreciation is linked to our IQ (knowledge, expertise)

• 85%

of the appreciation is linked to our EQ (behaviour, emotional intelligence)


Thanks to the iLead tool, we are able to effectively act on emotional intelligence development to maximize its impact and everyone’s leadership without trying to change individuals.

The idea is to find the small gestures that will have the biggest impact on their perceived performance.


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Effisens Conseil Inc